What Does Your Selfie Say About You?

Do you love taking selfies and sharing them online? Do you spend hours getting ready and take multiple shots of your face until your chin looks just right? Are you extremely picky about what selfie you post and do you anxiously wait to see how many likes you can get? Well, we have some news for you:  studies suggest that selfies may indicate low self-esteem and a slew of other mental health disorders. In 2013,…

Stay Cautious! Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones

Southern Californians always need to prepare for two types of natural disasters: Earthquakes and Wild fires. We all love those hot summer days but unfortunately, they often lead to wildfires that endanger our lives, homes and animals. That’s why it is extremely important to stay safe and take precautions to prevent more damage. When a brush fire is burning near our homes, we all panic and hope that it gets put out as soon as…

From Bore to More – How to Add Life to Your Salad

  Tired of the same old boring salad, day after day? Let’s face it, eating a salad everyday can get a little boring; iceberg lettuce, Caesar dressing, plum tomatoes, perhaps a touch of grilled chicken – how much repetition of this can you handle? The great outcome and health benefits of eating a leafy green salad are incredible and here’s a list of various ways we think you can use to spice up that salad…

How to Use Food as Skincare!

The skin care remedies we’re sharing with you, will not only save you some money, but you’ll definitely enjoy applying these onto your skin. The great thing is that all remedies are natural and they all include… FOOD! Food is not only essential for us to consume, but perfect for brightening, tightening and moisturizing our skin. Clogged pores and dead skin cells contribute to acne and while there are many cleaners, acne remedies and more,…

What’s on TV today?

“TV/media or video games are bad for your kids”. Is this true or is it just a myth? What effect does TV have on your kid?  Let us discover together! Parents often have a busy schedule trying to juggle between work, home, and everything in between – trying to achieve that work-life balance.  Yes, yes… admit it- sometimes parents try to keep their kids busy by occupying them with TV or video games just to…

Catch Me Outside, How About That?

Summer time is upon us!  More sun, more fun….more health benefits?! Yes! The sun can actually help boost your immune system or even lower your blood pressure! We’re sharing the several benefits to moderate sun exposure so you can catch some sunrays this summer!   Stronger bones and immune system The sun helps us produce Vitamin D. Unlike other vitamins obtained through food, Vitamin D is created within the skin once exposed to sunshine. Vitamin…

Put the Blue Light Down

Do you have trouble going to sleep at night? Do you somehow end up on your smartphone doing one thing or another? In recent years, technology has become such a huge part of our daily lives and activities and it is extremely hard to put our gadgets down, even when it’s time to rest!  Whether you’re surfing the web, looking at memes on Instagram, or viewing stories on Snapchat, you’re probably keeping yourself from a…

Fancy up your H20

It’s time for us to really talk about water! We hear of so many new diets on a daily basis and frankly, there’s too much information on the internet to digest! Allow us to tell you some facts about something most people don’t really know much about. Did you know that the average adult needs to drink at least 6-8 cups of water every day? Many of us find it difficult to drink that much…

Lost in the Sauce

In a public school system that often has a surplus of students but a shortage of teachers and resources, it is not uncommon to think your child may be “lost in the sauce”. This becomes a more pressing concern for children with disabilities who require a particular kind of education. An Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) is the special education a child receives if he/she has a documented disability that could hinder his/her academic progress. The…

Let’s Get Moving

Getting up early in the morning or working out may be very difficult for some to achieve. Some people blame it on laziness. Others don’t have enough time or are simply not motivated. Regardless of the excuses, it is very important to keep ourselves active throughout the day in order to stimulate our endorphins and feel good about ourselves! Keeping active and exercising also helps with controlling weight, strengthening bones and muscles, and increasing chances…