CCHC provides quality dental services for children, teens, adults, and pregnant women in a warm and friendly environment. CCHC’s friendly and knowledgeable staff are committed to understanding and meeting the needs of all patients. When you visit CCHC, your smile and comfort are top priority. Please contactthe health center directly to schedule an appointment.
Available Dental Services include:
- Prophylaxis
- Bridges
- Night Guards
- Exams
- Cleanings
- Fillings
- X-rays
- Sealant
- Extractions
- Space Maintainers
- Crowns
- Emergencies
- Fluoride Varnishes
- Oral Health Education
- Pediatric Dentistry
* Dental services are only available at our Glendale, Eagle Rock, and Sunland clinics.
CCHC provides high quality, affordable health careservices for you and everyone important to you.CCHC wants to be your medical home built on the foundation of sensitivity, respect and trust. CCHC offers a comprehensiveapproach to health care and strives to be a one-stop shop for your health care needs including primary medical care, dental care, behavioral health, vision, preventive health care, case management, and other specialty services.
Pleasecontactthe health center directly to schedule an appointment!
CCHC also provides these other services