CCHC provides other specialty care services. If you are not seeing a specific service listed, don’t be discouraged. Our care teams will make sure you get any necessary referrals. We have a large network of providers outside of CCHC that we work closely with to ensure you get any additional care you may require. We want to help treat the whole person or whole you!
Pleasecontactthe health center directly to schedule an appointment.
Currently available specialty services include:
Podiatry is the diagnosis and treatment of conditions of the foot, ankle, and lower extremity. Available services include:
- Foot evaluations for patients with diabetes
- Ingrown toenails
- Heel pain and/or treatment
- Athletes foot or other fungal infections
- Sprains/strains
- Wart Treatment
Podiatry Services are only offered at our GL, NH, ER, and SL locations.
CCHC provides and offers support for psychiatric care and management in a culturally sensitive, confidential, and caring manner. Available services include:
- Consultation
- Assessment
- Medication management
Psychiatry appointments are available to all clinic patients via telehealth. In person appointments are held at our Glendale location only.
CCHC provides high quality, affordable health careservices for you and everyone important to you.CCHC wants to be your medical home built on the foundation of sensitivity, respect and trust. CCHC offers a comprehensiveapproach to health care and strives to be a one-stop shop for your health care needs including primary medical care, dental care, behavioral health, vision, preventive health care, case management, and other specialty services.
Pleasecontactthe health center directly to schedule an appointment!