What Does Your Selfie Say About You?

Do you love taking selfies and sharing them online? Do you spend hours getting ready and take multiple shots of your face until your chin looks just right? Are you extremely picky about what selfie you post and do you anxiously wait to see how many likes you can get? Well, we have some news for you:  studies suggest that selfies may indicate low self-esteem and a slew of other mental health disorders. In 2013,…

Stay Cautious! Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones

Southern Californians always need to prepare for two types of natural disasters: Earthquakes and Wild fires. We all love those hot summer days but unfortunately, they often lead to wildfires that endanger our lives, homes and animals. That’s why it is extremely important to stay safe and take precautions to prevent more damage. When a brush fire is burning near our homes, we all panic and hope that it gets put out as soon as…

From Bore to More – How to Add Life to Your Salad

  Tired of the same old boring salad, day after day? Let’s face it, eating a salad everyday can get a little boring; iceberg lettuce, Caesar dressing, plum tomatoes, perhaps a touch of grilled chicken – how much repetition of this can you handle? The great outcome and health benefits of eating a leafy green salad are incredible and here’s a list of various ways we think you can use to spice up that salad…